We have received messages that our recent Apollo ISO resulted in failed installations due to the recently updated Archlinux keyring.
We have fixed the issue using our HotFix feature, a feature that allows us to send a fix on an already released ISO without the need to build a new one. Just connect to the internet on the Live ISO and the installer will fetch the fix automatically.
Offline install
If you are using the offline installation option without a network connection there’s an additional step you have to do after installation.
Open the terminal and type:
sudo pacman -Syu
This will update the Archlinux-keyring update in the first place and when that is done type:
sudo pacman -Syu
for a second time, this will update the rest of the system.
Users who live in countries where GitHub and/or GitLab are blocked
Users who live in countries where GitHub or GitLab is blocked, have to fetch the HotFix manually on the ISO. Before starting the installer connect to the internet, open the terminal on the Live Environment and type:
sudo pacman -Sy archlinux-keyring
After that, you will be able to install the system without any issues.
We would like to thank the community for responding so adequately to this issue.
gpg verify WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature!There is no indication that this signature belongs to the owner of the key.Why??
This is an upstream issue at Arch, the specific developer has to solve this issue. There have been messages sent about this issue to this issue, but it couldn’t hurt if you also bring it up to them. The more feedback an issue receives, the higher it comes up the list.
when will there be a new iso with the new gpg .iso 22.1 is stlll wrong regarding gpg veriffy.whether I can believe it or not?
We are still working on that one, we will release it as soon as we sorted it.
I feel you guys should switch to Debian based. Much less headaches. With Arch, a little thing and everything breaks, and then people think it’s Endeavour’s fault!