As of today you can download our latest ISO with an updated offline installer.
The ISO contains:
- Linux kernel 5.2.14
- Mesa 19.1.6
- Systemd 243.0
- Firefox 69 (Quantum)
- Arc-x-icons, a more complete and updated version than the Arc icon set used previously.
- The new EndeavourOS welcome launcher on both the live environment as on the installed system. It’s a one-click menu to the wiki for the basic system commands and setting up your hardware.
- Our Nvidia-installer is now installed by default which now also installs the dkms drivers.
- Gtop system monitor, a nice terminal-based system load monitor that launches from the panel.
We also took care of some bugfixes:
- We removed the xf86-video-nouveau package and are using the mode setting driver in the Linux kernel instead. At this moment the best option to let the ISO boot on Nvidia card systems, including the newer ones.
- A general cleanup
There are still some upstream bugs with Calamares, so we advice you to take a look at
while downloading the ISO.
For people who are already running EndeavourOS, you don’t need to
You can download the ISO over here.

A note to our torrent users, the torrent link only downloads the ISO, for the sig file and md5sum you have to download it directly from Github. We kindly request to use torrent, so the Github page will be unburdened quicker.
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