On September 19th we will launch our newest addition to our project, EndeavourOS ARM.
To make things very clear, the product we’re going to launch isn’t going to be a smooth looking ARM installer, you have to put a little elbow grease into it to get it installed and running on your ARM device.
Don’t worry, we are going to provide you with an easier install process on the hardware that was available to us for testing during development and we’re going to provide you with some easy to understand manuals for a selection of popular ARM devices that weren’t available during development, to make it easier.
In theory, EndeavourOS ARM works on any supported ARM device that is supported by Archlinux ARM, as long as the device has enough power to run a desktop environment.
We’re also going to provide you with a manual for use as a headless server.
The installation process is going to offer you to install the choice of DE during the process, just like our regular install. However, the main focus of this upcoming release is performance and for you to help us get the script tested on ARM devices that were not available during development, so you can see it as an open invitation to help us getting the project stronger. More info on that will follow on the announcement of the launch.
Regular ISO update
This Saturday, we will not only launch ARM, but we will also release our regular ISO refresh update release. Amongst the features of this release are the new archiso, kernel 5.8, the resolved keyserver bug, and an updated nvidia-installer.
Just keep an eye on our website and social media channels this week because more info will follow.